Sunday, September 13, 2015

Recommending a Great New Book

I'm excited to see Marcus Grodi's new book Life From Our Land is now available!

I was privileged to work with him a bit on this book, and so I know it well and highly recommend it. It's very readable, interesting, funny, and inspiring. It addresses many quandaries in which modern man finds himself and gives compelling, thought-provoking answers.

The book has many other warm recommendations. For instance... 

Author Joseph Pearce writes, "Read this book and you will receive the riches Mammon cannot provide and reap the harvest of hope and wisdom." 

And Dr. Timothy O'Donnell, President of Christendom College, says: "This book is a hymn of gratitude for the wonder that is creation, which manifests the deep purpose of things."

Also makes a great gift--I'm going to go order a copy right now.