As I mentioned in my last blog, I recently
interviewed members of six religious orders, and each order deserves some
space here. The next order—another contemplative one—is the Poor Clare
Sisters in Cleveland, Ohio, the first permanent foundation of Poor Clares in
the U.S.
All religious seek to give themselves totally to God and to serving His Church.
Like the Carmelite Monks I described last week, the Poor Clares do this by completely
giving up the world and dedicating their lives to prayer. They take a vow of
enclosure, meaning that they remain within the confines of the convent for the
duration of their lives. They don’t see this (as many of us might) as a
terrible deprivation. Rather, their website describes it as a terrific
we are physically separated from those in the world, we are more profoundly
united with them in the Heart of Christ.... The external structures of our
enclosure provide the atmosphere for our free and happy-hearted dedication in
our vocation. Our vow of enclosure expresses our desire to consecrate ourselves
wholly to a life of intimate union with God.”
The Poor Clare Sisters are strictly contemplative: rather than undertaking an
active apostolate such as tending the sick, they support the Church with their
prayers. In other words, their apostolic work is prayer, especially the
Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours.
Their schedule reflects this:
12:00 AM
Silent Prayer. Retire
Silent Prayer
6:45 AM
8:00 AM
Tea (Breakfast of
Tea and Bread)
followed by Silent
8:45 AM
Work Blessing
Novitiate Blessing Work time |
11:00 AM
Rosary, particular
1:30 PM
2:30 PM
Work Time (sometimes a class, singing practice, etc.) |
5:00 PM
Spiritual reading, silent prayer |
6:00 PM
Collation (a light
dishes |
6:45 PM
Necessary duties,
free time
7:30 PM
7:45 PM
8:45 PM
Again, the website portrays the beauty of this life of prayer:
raise our voices in praise of God during the silence of the night is a
beautiful and profound experience. This service of love seeks to respond to the
truth that God is worthy of worship and praise at all times and that at every
hour there is need of redemption. We have the privilege of Perpetual
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and we keep watch with Christ throughout
the whole night as well as during the day.”
Another important
way they serve the Church is through penance, thereby increasing the treasury
of grace. Penance is incorporated into their lives not only through praying in
the middle of the night, but also in going barefoot and eating moderately.
Breakfast is merely tea and bread; supper is also light. The only real meal is
dinner, at midday, but even then they never eat meat and tend to have simple
foods. They also rely on what is given to them—whatever the donations might be.
I interviewed one of the externs, Sister Saint John, who entered in 1958. She
was very sweet and smart, holy and helpful. An extern takes all the
same vows as the other nuns—except the vow of enclosure. The externs serve
their sisters by being intermediaries between them and the outside world:
tending the gift shop, answering the phone and comforting the many who call
requesting prayer, and occasionally going out to do necessary shopping. They
also maintain the public chapel that mirrors the sisters' own and is joined by
a window in which the Blessed Sacrament is exposed, thus He can be adored from
both chapels simultaneously. Aside from their work, then, the externs in every
other aspect share in the same life of prayer as the rest of the Poor Clares.
Their website points out, “Our Extern Sisters are imbued with the spirit
of enclosure and are, in fact, its special guardians.”
That same joy emerges from the vocation
stories appearing on their website.
a grace, what a tremendous joy it is for me to give myself entirely to Christ,
my beloved Bridegroom,”
writes Sister Faustina of the Blessed Sacrament, who took her first vows in
2010. “How blessed and grateful I am for the Holy Vows which help me to
follow the Lamb wherever He goes—in time and eternity. For He is and will
forever be: My God and My All!”
Sister Christina, who entered in 1998, echoes these
sentiments: “We sing His praises day and night, and all our work is for Him
infused with prayer. What a great life! I can't believe He chose me!”
The sisters' own words best sum up the
mystery of their life:
Clares begin on earth the occupation of the blessed in Heaven. It was for the
contemplation of God that we were created. And when all activities have ceased,
when earth no longer turns on its orbit, and the sun has vanished in smoke, the
work of contemplation alone will go on for all eternity. ... [The Poor Clare]
... is called by God not so much to do anything as to be something. Her life
prefigures eternity.